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NFL restricts players' use of Twitter, Facebook

Last Updated: Monday, August 31, 2009 | 8:12 PM ET Comments2Recommend4

Terrell Owens is just one of many NFL players using Twitter. Terrell Owens is just one of many NFL players using Twitter. (David Duprey/Associated Press)

Tweet away, boys. Just save it for before and after the games.

The NFL said Monday it will allow players to use social media networks this season, but not during games.

Players, coaches and football operations personnel can use Twitter, Facebook and other social media up to 90 minutes before kickoff, and after the game following traditional media interviews.

During games, no updates will be permitted by the individual himself or anyone representing him on his personal Twitter, Facebook or any other social media account, the league said.

The use of social media by NFL game officials and officiating department personnel will be prohibited at all times.

The league, which has always banned play-by-play descriptions of games in progress, has extended that ban to social media platforms.

Earlier this summer, San Diego Chargers cornerback Antonio Cromartie was fined $2,500 US by the team for criticizing the food service at training camp on Twitter.

But NFL players have embraced the network to the point that some announce news by tweeting, including rookie cornerback Malcolm Jenkins, who sent out word of his signing with the New Orleans Saints on Twitter.

The NFL's security department assists players in removing fake sites on Facebook and Twitter.

"The growth of social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook has created important new ways for the NFL and clubs to communicate and connect with fans," the league said in a statement. "The NFL … will continue to emphasize innovative and appropriate use of these new forms of communication."


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