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Geller settles Jackson libel case

Uri Geller and Michael Jackson
Uri Geller and Michael Jackson were close friends

Michael Jackson's friend Uri Geller has settled a legal case over tabloid claims the pair wanted to use positive thinking to solve the credit crunch.

The Sun has issued an apology and full retraction, and agreed to donate to Geller's charitable foundation, said Belfast-based libel lawyer Paul Tweed.

The story included a false claim he contacted Simon Cowell with a plan to halt the economic downturn.

The Sun's apology read: "We now accept that our story was without foundation."

It said: "We wrongly reported that Uri Geller had collaborated with the late Michael Jackson on a recent project."

Mr Geller consulted Mr Tweed, who has successfully represented him in previous libel cases, following an article published last December - six months before Jackson's sudden death.


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