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The Facts Versus the Truth about Swine Flu Swine Flu Will Test Health Care, Bedevil Economy OPINION By STEPHEN BROZAK and LARRY JINDRA, M.D. Sept. 3,

There are the facts and there is the truth. Facts are often debated, because facts depend on how you calculate them. Truth is often ignored because it is often unpopular and usually unpleasant.

Photo: The Facts Versus the Truth about Swine Flu: Swine Flu Will Test Health Care, Bedevil Economy
The coming unique H1N1 influenza surge will pose a challenge to the U.S. health care delivery and economic systems.
(ABC News Photo Illustration)

Press coverage about the coming unique H1N1 influenza surge has focused thus far on the facts -- how many people will get sick and how many will die, how many vaccine inoculations will be available and how many shots will be needed to protect someone from this virus.

Thus far, most coverage, and the government announcements on which the coverage is based, have ignored two unpleasant truths -- first, that it is unlikely the health care delivery system will be able to respond to a significant flu wave and second, that the economy is likely to be severely affected by a widespread and long-lasting flu surge.

Thus far, government planning to meet these two challenges has been spotty at best. The truth is, gaps in the health care delivery system need to be filled and planning to address the economic impact of a flu surge needs to begin soon.


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